Global Tree C-Sink

Global Tree C-Sink

The Global Tree C-Sink standard is a novel certification guideline for the reliable quantification and adequate valuation of climate services generated by living plant biomass in either new plantations or natural afforestation. 

Some basic pillars:

  • Global C-Sink Registry: Integrates a transparent and secure platform for registration of carbon sinks and trading.
  • Robust C-sinks: Offers carbon sinks based on yearly verifications, avoiding the issuing of non-verifiable future credits.
  • On-Site Inspection: Prescribes regular checks that ensure global warming mitigation effects.
  • Annual Tree Health Checks: Prioritizes the stability and reliability of the projects.
  • Biodiversity and Resilience: Includes criteria for species diversity and native tree conservation that promote ecological benefits.
  • Sustainable Forest Management: Prohibits practices that lead to deforestation and forest degradation.
The Global Tree C-Sink standard demonstrates a comprehensive approach to sustainable forestry and climate change mitigation. This holistic approach not only addresses the environmental aspects but also ensures the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological balance, making it a promising option for those seeking an effective and trustworthy tree standard.

With Global Tree C-Sink, we expect an epochal shift in the fight against climate change, which is why we have also integrated biodiversity criteria into the standard.

How the Global Tree C-Sink standard is applied

Here you will find the current version of our standard:



CERES-CERT AG is the third-party auditing body for the standards owned by Carbon Standards International.

With the experience in the certification of biochar, CERES-CERT AG has the necessary expertise to certify biochar production and processing companies and to validate and verify your climate projects.

Find here a list of endorsed C-Sink Managers for Global Tree C-Sink:

Logo Treeo

Find here a list of endorsed dMRV Providers for Global Tree C-Sink:

Logo Treeo

Here you will find all updates and revisions to the standard:

Here you will find more information about our costs: 

If you would like to have Carbon Standards review potential modifications or amendments to the standard, please review the following:

Tree C-Sink
Tree C-Sink
Choose your format.
registred C-Sink
registred C-Sink
Choose your format.

Please refer to our Design Manual for the correct use of the label.

Contact person

Elias Torres-Sierra Elias Torres-Sierra

Environment and Climate Specialist
+43 664 146 30 94

Matthias Matzenberger Matthias Matzenberger

CTO Global C-Sink
+43 664 884 243 23