Find out more about Carbon Standards International
About us
Humans, animals, nature and the environment are in equilibrium. People treat natural resources with care and use smart systems and measures to achieve positive carbon cycles. We create a positive balance between the generation of greenhouse gases and the binding of carbon from the atmosphere, thereby cooling the climate.
Carbon Standards International develops standards and system solutions for climate-positive agriculture, forestry and industry and upstream, and downstream sectors. Carbon Standards International offers a wide range of services with quality, reliability, and customer benefit at their heart. Carbon Standards International makes an important contribution to the achievement of balanced carbon cycles and cooling of the climate. With the European Biochar Certificate (EBC) we lead the way in the development and introduction of good practice in agriculture, forestry and industry in relation to the production and use of biochar.
Credible and scientific
Our systems are based on scientific findings and are credible for our licence holders, our customers and their customers, consumers, the media and the general public. We collaborate with leading scientific institutions and agencies on these issues.
Collective and reliable
We enjoy working to produce results and are happy to go the extra mile. Every individual contribution counts and we value the team and our partnerships. We set high standards for the reliability and feasibility of our solutions and the quality of our work.
Please refer to our Design Manual for the correct use of the logo.
Peter Jossi
Dr. Dér Sandor
Ludwig Gruber