Biochar Tool
The new structure and modern design provide the best basis for the best user experience while setting new standards in the industry.
What does the Biochar Tool do?
Manage your entire biochar production in our new Biochar Tool. This includes production units, production batches, sampling and results, production volumes and communication with experts.
As a system provider, you manage your certified systems online. This will make data collection much easier for biochar producers, your systems can be selected directly online.
The new Biochar Tool will replace the EBC-Portal, which has been in use for several years and now needs to be replaced.
How will the 2024 rollout be organised?
We will contact you early in the new year and provide you with personal support during the transition. We will transfer your active batch data from the previous EBC-Portal to the new Biochar Tool so that you can continue to work without interruption.
The EBC-Portal will remain available during the transition period, but without the ability to enter new batches.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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